Participants in the project

The main participants in the project will be the children and their teachers. Children as a subject of learning and teachers as mentors, friends who guide and support planning. A parent-child relationship will be based on friendship and trust. The pedagogue will encourage, plan, motivate and organize children, and they will be the main interactive players in lessons and activities. Parents will be an important part of this line - all their activities, especially those in the open, will be realized. Very important is the support of local authorities and the media that will make it create a positive attitude in the community. Important for this project are museum workers, environmentalists, historians, university lecturers, social workers, ethnographers and others who could help activities so they are more interesting, useful, attractive, entertaining and challenging. The main role of teachers will be to plan, motivate and shake the children for all activities. Interactive lessons and outdoor lessons will be primarily their concern as organizing and planning pedagogical goals and tasks to improve skills and competencies. Children will be the main actor who will give him the freedom to seek and discover, create, give ideas, and plan (as an element of very basic social entrepreneurship). They will learn to meet the challenges and deal with them. Experience will help them cope better with learning materials and with the difficulties in life. Qualities such as trust, self-confidence, teamwork, respect and tolerance are the foundation of good social competencies. Parents will be supported, encouraged, motivated, committed to their knowledge, intelligence and experience in various activities. Local authorities and the media will reflect the activities, thus creating an interest in the topic in the regional communities. Modular field specialists will be important with their competence and ability to better communicate their children's knowledge. Interaction of all will create a worried regional community and common products - a European family working for the benefit of children.

The participating children in the project are aged between 5 and 9 (kindergarten and elementary school). There are also scheduled on-line meetings during which they communicate and present themselves directly. Each partner will include additional hours with part of the planned activities attended by all students. Kindergartens will include the largest primary schools aged 5-7 for children aged 6 to 8. Slovenian school is for SEN children and will work with 11 - 15 years old childen.

Participating teachers will be volunteering, but an internal selection procedure will be held for mobility in institutions with a cover letter.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What are the objectives we would like to achieve?

The aim is to acquaint students with the main aspects of active citizenship related to their rights and freedoms and community obligations. Raise their respect for them and the surroundings, the environment and the virtual environment, to make them actively think through discovering problems and ideas and activities to solve. The project will have several modules, such as: 
1. Local community and history, 
2. Tolerance and cultural diversity, 
3. Environment, 
4. Social citizenship / people with disabilities, 
5 e-activities /rules of work and living in the virtual space. 
In each module there will be interactive lessons to familiarize with the topic, search for problems around children, and try to provide solutions. For the tasks in each module, one partner is responsible. At the end of the project we will make a book "Guide to the Little Active Citizen" with all the ideas and activities of the children.
We will produce a glossary of words used, a small net- etiquette guidebook, an e-books and children's learning activities, an interactive map, and more. All will be in eTwinning. Main project objectives, corresponding to the European priorities:

• Improving and promoting new teaching and learning strategies leading to a better quality of preprimary and primary education with effective social inclusion
• increased sense of initiative and greater participation in public life
• improved provision and assessment of basic and transferable skills and competences, foreign language skills, local and foreign language communication, social and civic competences, cultural identity/key competences/,
• Exchange of cultural diversity and educational practices in schools, leading to improved skills and satisfaction from day-to-day work.

The project aims to encourage the use, development, experimentation and implementation of teaching strategies at pre-school and school-age with interdisciplinary learning leading to content acquisition and education of active citizenship skills and the opportunity to expand the cultural horizons of the communities and effectively socially turn on.

The project will serve as a training and learning tool for students at the following levels:
• raising awareness of multiculturalism
• Creating learning situations and spaces that bring joy to learning Teachers will acquire and develop new skills during the project:
• Improving knowledge about new strategies and approaches to teaching
familiarizing with the basics of participating countries' languages, improving project management skills and multicultural teamwork, communication skills in the working language and working with ICT.

With institutions and experts attracted to the project:
• Strengthening the links between different education, training, NGO and local authorities, national and international organizations; 
•enhancing the involvement of local and regional public authorities
such as education development, •awareness raising and a more active role in civil society at local level.

Motivation of our project

The children of the world are growing in an increasingly digitized world. Parents spend less and less time communicating with their children, often turning them into consumers rather than active and seeking people. That's because they respect their rights but fail to teach them responsibility. The time in front of the computer screen is useful, but also harmful enough if it does not meet health standards and security. Nature is often absent or short-lived in children's lives. The kindergarten and the school are trying to fill the space that is freed from the family and give the children maximum knowledge and skills useful for life.Today's curricula turn to the 21st century democratic values. Prospective citizens are expected to be respectful, sensitive to the environment in which they live, critical thinking,
creativity, skills for social participation, active and productive in society and a knowledge of their own rights and responsibilities. Educational programs aim to bring students information, abilities, attitudes and values in order to harmonize with society and to solve social problems as they grow up in discussions about the  project participants, it was found that in each of the educational systems and
programs used by partners have opportunities to integrate the educational content and these important elements of education for active citizenship. In addition, cooperation as an emphasis in modern European education policy is directly related to group learning skills and planning and organizing social initiatives. The project is based on the theories of experiential learning and aims to encourage teachers to integrate new, little-used learning strategies of integrated content that is not limited to these programs, but also includes key competencies for development, focusing on skills for active social inclusion, on communication in local and foreign languages and on cultural identity and  creativity. The project will promote problem-based learning, which is important for their subsequent qualitative socialization. Nature, smart use of ICT and cultural values enable the child to grow healthy, in harmony with the modern digital world, but also to learn the social skills of an active citizen. At the same time, modernize teaching and make the school/kindergarten a desirable place.
This minimizes the risk of dropping out. Led by all this, the partners in this project decided to join forces to develop successful practices and strategies for developing active citizenship skills through open learning and acquaintance with cultural values. In this way children will learn will develop key skills (social, digital, learning skills / will get acquainted with European values based on tolerance.
The way to knowledge passes through experience and adventure, we want to do. If we show the roots of children and learn to fly with creativity and imagination, they will succeed in communicating in local and foreing languages, cultural knowledge.